Place of birth: Warsaw, Poland
Place of death:
Edit One cannot think of you without thinking of survival. You were a survivor, a fighter, a hero. You survived the Holocaust: the Ghetto, the camps, the Death March, and the liberation. You contributed bravely to the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. You survived all of the challenges of later life in the USA and in Israel. And, in the end, you fought with illness and loneliness yet maintained your self-respect and independence.But, you also gave us many precious lessons in life that will stay with us and comfort us forever. From you, Dad, we too learned to survive. We learned to be proud of our heritage and actions. We learned to be independent in our thoughts and deeds. You taught us never to be afraid to speak our minds and to try and do the right thing. From you, Dad, we learned to cope with problems as challenges and not obstacles. We learned to keep a sense of humour and to be compassionate and engaged.
Now, you are on a journey towards your biggest challenge – one that you have been waiting for your entire life; it is with God. We know you will stand proud. You will ask him to explain, apologise, and repent for the horrors that he allowed to occur. We are with you in spirit, in our hearts. We hope that you will get the answers that you deserve to hear. We hope that you will find justice and peace.
From all of us who have been touched by your presence.
Your children: Sara, Mike and David. Your grandchildren: Tal and Zadok. Those who have already gone: Mom and Noam. And all the rest of the family: Rina and Flo; friends, neighbours, and fellow survivors.
We will miss you always.