Place of birth: vijayawada
Place of death: hyderabad
City: adoni
Area: sr nagar
Edit Write a biography of your loved ones - life story that you can share with family and friends. Highlights: birthplace, parents' home, occupation, brothers and sisters, childhood, school, jobs, new family (wife, children), important junctions and significant events, accomplishments, a siguatera phrase.Preferences
Edit Family and friends will be able to learn more about your loved ones if they become acquainted to their preferences: Team Sports fun, food / style, Dessert, Restaurant, Music Style, song, band / singer, movie, book, greatest achievement, key phrase, quote, flower, color, childhood experience, best favorite vacation, hobbies, etc. Advisable to write each section on a separate lineEulogies
Edit Write Eulogy to your loved ones This part of the memorial site will allow visitors to add Obituaries Advertising obituaries possible only after approval. Post on writing a eulogy will be sent to your email address registered in the systemTimeline
EditSpecify stations in life - childhood and adult life.
For example: Where they have studied (kindergartens, schools and institutions of higher education), military service, significant life events, such as wedding, birth of children, etc.
The timeline should be written as follows: Year space text ("1942 Jo was born" )
Each station in time should be written on a separate line.