Lugar de nacimiento: England
Lugar de fallecimiento: Israel
EditarElizabeth Lazarus
Our relationship changed over the years as do all relationships. Firstly we were mother and daughter, then friends and in recent months I became Mum's care giver. The question is where did I learn how to care for her and the answer is from her. I watched her look after every member of her family unconditionally and completely. She was always thinking about, worrying about and taking care of others. 'Be careful', 'what's wrong' and 'mind the bones' are all phrases that have become permanently engraved in my vocabulary.
All of us had our own personal connection with her and memories of her, but I think we can all probably agree on the following: lists, notebooks, crosswords and scotch.
One of the clearest memories from my childhood is sitting for hours on the step stool in the kitchen, watching her cook and most especially bake. And, of course, laying the table for Friday night family dinners, always a table cloth on the table and always with the serviettes fanned in the glasses. She was the perfect hostess and welcomed every guest with the warmth and hospitality that was her trademark.
Then there was the rebellious and free spirited Stella – the one that danced salsa, went to New York with Gloria, snuck out to the café on Yom Kippur and poured tins of Quality Street over her head. More recently she taught me to swear, engaged in endless conversations in jibberish and went missing on Tel Aviv Beach for two days without a word to anyone.
She was an adoring and adored Savta and with that in mind
I'll end with a message from Noa and Meital, a message they always conveyed to one and other at the end of every visit. A message that I hope will continue to be true for all us: "Savta, You light up my life"